Bukit Kasih in kanonang...
The Hill Of Love....
Bukit Kasih located in Kanonang village, in Kawangkoan or about 55 kilometers from Manado, North Sulawesi. Built in 2002 as a spiritual center where followers of different religious beliefs can gather, meditate and worship and carry out this fertilized tropical misty hills.
This hill called the Mount of Love because it is where people of different religions can come together and perform their worship close to each other as a symbol of religious harmony and peace. Five houses of worship, namely the Catholic Church, the Christian churches, temples, mosques and temples built on top of the Pura second. While the first peak has a 53-meter tall white cross that can be seen from the beach in Manado Boulevard. In addition, this place is believed to be the ancestors of the Minahasa, namely as Lumimuut Toar and their faces carved into the hillside below the second peak.
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